
“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy.
For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back.”
Albert Camus
For some of us, January, even if promising, does not cease to feel like a Monday morning on sleeping pills. We have to wake up to it, after a whole weekend of inadequacy, celebration, pillow talk or just cuddling with the sofa. Then we have to put on stiff clothes and good shoes and set up the week mood by walking into it enthusiastically.
This year, I gave my January a chance to make a quick rumba and blush seductively as only a Friday would.
I walked out in the frozen Sun and marveled at the geese wiggling and dipping their heads into the water as they would do on any summer day. While I was shivering, they were cheerfully and gloriously swaying between the chunks of ice.
I couldn’t love life more than when I feel all its cold and its Sun melting under the embrace of the same sky. The vigor and newness of such times, allow the spirit to take a new shape.
Breathing and feeling the air curl down your spine, bursting into a forest of light and force and beginning. One with the world.
Isn’t God also the bare, emptied trees of winter, as much as it is the fields of languourous poppies?
What lies within one’s winter is of the same strength as a mountain’s stillness against the years of storm and erosion.
There is no guilt in being different or unfortunate or broken or idle.
May the blissful thoughts spring over the thirsty evils surrounding you.
While the cold pushes against you, push back by catching on fire. By burning. By becoming a flame in the world you live in.