
As you begin to awaken from the illusion we’ve been led to believe is the world, layers upon layers will unravel and bear the weight of truth. Initially, one of the most obvious changes is how you no longer perceive the world in the same way. Everyone appears different, and you see yourself in a new light. The masks people wear become transparent, and you might grapple with the realization that your family’s love may be conditional. Scenarios will be orchestrated to reveal these truths to you.

Even the various roles people adopt in specific social settings may begin to appear frivolous and unnecessary. Even though I understand the reasons behind them quite well, I frequently catch myself saying in my own head, “What a load of nonsense!”. Certain structures will cease to make sense, and you may even begin to question how they originated in the first place. Subsequently, you might develop an interest in history or the history of religions to comprehend how we arrived at a system so divergent from our presumed original state. This exploration might lead you to question if the purported original state aligns with historical accounts. You may ponder the Renaissance, contemplating whether it was driven by a cosmic force, given its significant advancements in science, technology, and the arts. You might take a closer look at the industrial revolution, you may question whether the 9-to-5 work structure was introduced by Ford to mitigate exploitation in factories or if it was an agenda to persuade people of their rights. A plethora of thoughts and feelings will disturb you but after a while, the need to consume all forms of information will slowly but surely decrease. You will find in yourself and your intuitions the best source of understanding the world.

All this is not meant to hurt you; It is meant to guide you and show you where your work is needed. It is also there to teach you the power of detachment.

It will also become painfully clear that the world operates in a self-preservation mode, deliberately designed to foster consumerism and discourage the liberation of spirit and independent thought. The realization of this truth intensifies once you undergo a “wakeup” experience. Previously, you may have been vaguely aware of it, but life will set you on a journey with a mission to help in leading the world out of the darkness of the soul. This transformation may unfold gradually—through changes in diet, intellectual pursuits, reduced interest in the news, disinterest in small talks, and a general disinterest in anything superficial. Suddenly, you start reassessing your energy and recognize how it’s depleted by the presence of others and actions against yourself.
You become attuned to the exchange of energy and unconsciously begin avoiding those who distance you from your true self, as your physical and emotional bodies refuse to tolerate such influences. The significance of everything you consume and that which consumes you becomes so obvious. Perhaps, for the first time, you delve deeper into mystical and philosophical concepts that previously lingered in the recesses of your mind, now becoming your means of escape, relief, and the path forward.
This should not be mistaken for the “artificial positivity” peddled by many self-proclaimed gurus in the present day. Maintaining a positive perspective on life while addressing internal struggles is distinct from having unrealistic perceptions of one’s surroundings.

For me this process was gradual and I find myself at a stage where I am living constantly in a paradox of ideas and feelings.
In a sense, I am entirely detached from the world because I possess a broader perspective on it now. This perspective influences how I perceive all types of relationships and experiences in my life. I can distinctly observe the roles each person has played or is playing in helping me overcome challenges, discovering my authentic path, and recognizing when I am present in someone else’s life for their benefit rather than my own. I have also entirely given any need to control other people’s actions or their ways. Although I still succumb to ego at times, given my human existence, it has become easier to observe someone and perceive their true essence, understand their wounds, and refrain from passing judgment on their actions or their worldview. I can also analyse the transient nature of certain connections, understand why some departed sooner than I desired, and identify the specific roles I must fulfil in the lives of others. After years of uncertainty and “Why Me’s?”, I am now utterly convinced that my life is not solely mine; it is also a service to others.
On the flip side, I find myself completely immersed in certain emotions, to the extent that my empathy reaches sometimes astronomical levels. It’s a state where the love I harbour for the world has shattered me open. My mind and body are engulfed in exhilarating sensations, where every feeling is so intense and bewildering.

The journey of self-realization can be a painful and confusing one, occasionally isolating, leading us to seek validation from external sources. A long time back, upon discovering these newfound abilities within myself, I found a tendency to externalize them, testing the waters with close people in my life. I held onto the hope that I wouldn’t be alone in this journey and that, perhaps, I could find someone in my already existing group of souls who shared this unique perspective with me.
Needless to say, that scenario didn’t unfold as expected. Nonetheless, I have embraced it and made myself open to it, even if I cannot always perceive its convoluted paths. I find myself alone on the Moon, gazing down at the stunning blue marble, eagerly awaiting those whom I love to see what I see, and ascend to join me.